Contact Us

Wanting to check to see if we have what you want? Have a question for one of our plant specialists? Feel free to call or email.
(828) 696-8000 press 1

We check our email several times a day so we are usually able to answer most questions same-day, however, we ask that you please allow a full day for a response as nursery traffic is our first priority.  

Our inventory can change quickly, we are continually bringing out fresh plants from our greenhouses and, in the height of the growing season, we have several trucks delivering weekly. We are available to check our stock to see if we have what you are looking for. If we don’t have what you want in stock, we are happy to check with our greenhouses or our trusted growers and see if we can bring it in for you.

Need Plant help? If you have questions about something growing in your garden, email us pictures and we can have one of our specialists get in contact with you.

The BEST way to know what we have in stock is to plan a visit to the nursery. We believe time is never wasted when it’s talking about plants, and would be happy to discuss your garden in person at the nursery!